Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Well after not blogging for a couple of years due to the lack of a computer there is a LOT of changes to our family! Here is one of them, her name is Haleigh and she was born in September. She is a welcome little sister to Rozi and more of just a toy to her big brother Boone.
Rozi just adores her little sister and reminds me frequently throughout the day "mom, I love Haleigh." she holds her and even though she gets really grossed out whenever Haleigh spits up she is willing to go get the burp rag for me. Boone is in the process of learning that he can not feed, sit on or pick up his little sister. But I know he loves her too because the other day when I Haleigh was on the floor I watched as he lay down next to her and gave her one of his big slobbery kisses on her head. It makes me so happy to see my family grow, not only in numbers but in love.

We recently went on a family vacation to Lagoon (I don't have the pictures downloaded yet) We stayed in a hotel then the next day we went to temple grounds and saw the Cristus statue. Then we took our yearly trip up the Nebo loop. We take a family picture and we carve in our family tree. This year we had to add both Boone and Haleigh because we missed a year. It is a little bit of a hike to get to our tree and this year it felt worse because I am out of shape from having Haleigh, but it was a lot of fun. The leaves were fantastic!

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